Tuesday, March 19, 2013

A Crazy, Lazy Life

I don't even know when I last wrote something.

It's not that I haven't wanted to write, or that I couldn't find anything to write...I just literally did not want to sit down during the only time of the day where I have a brief moment to myself and dedicate it to a blog post. I did something even more mundane...I planted my tush in the nearest seat and went brain dead until the first munchkin dared to cross the nap time threshold. Sometimes I napped...but usually I just wasted away a couple hours watching (recorded) TV shows. I didn't even have a good excuse like "I'll watch these while being productive and folding laundry!" Nope...in fact, my mom and my sister folded almost three weeks worth of laundry for me while I was at a Dr. appointment.

I like to think that this (current) lazy streak is because of my pregnancy. I am always soooo lethargic during the first trimester. But I don't know if it would be fair placing all the blame on the baby.

I haven't even been on Pinterest since last week. No, really. And I am starting to think that I don't want to be on it again (except to review some of my old pins for house/organizing/cleaning/meal ideas).

Today is the first day that I finally did some cleaning and I stopped before I got everything finished (ooops!) I got the kids rooms cleaned all the way, but now I need to focus on getting the kitchen and living room cleaned all the way. They are both started!

Then I stare into the living room and chicken out. That's right...I'm an ostrich with her head in the sand, hiding for all the work I should have been keeping up on this entire time. Now, molehill mountain is threatening to topple over on top of me. Yes, that's a reference to my laundry pile that is cleaned and folded (thank you, Mom and Des) and STILL needs to be put away. "But I have another load in the dryer that needs to be folded and then I will put everything away!" she said to herself, unconvincingly.

...that pile of clothes has been in the dryer since Monday before lunch...

...we went to play at the mall to avoid it...

My mind is a fizzy bottle of soda that got shaken too hard and exploded. I'm knee deep in a sticky mess and I just need to find an outlet for all the filthy liquid hard at work ruining my pristine deplorably average mind. Forgetting is a good one...but somehow it all soaks back up again, eventually. Calling on God? Yes, that's a good godly answer, but I find myself failing at that too many times (to my shame.) And perhaps that IS the best outlet (okay, I know it is, but I'm writing this blog, not you.)

Average? I think not. I fail sooo miserably. With my house, with my kids, with my hunk...it's a mess. I'm not even going to put a positive spin on it...that's how sticky stuck my mind is at the moment. I'll be better tomorrow. "After all, tomorrow is another day!" Thank you, Scarlett.

Well, I will attempt to write fairly more frequently...I won't promise, because we have all seem how THAT goes, but it's a start to want to again.

This is also one of my favorite praise songs.
<I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from teh LORD, which made heaven and earth. He will not suffer thy foot to be moved: he that keepeth thee will not slumber. Behold, he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep. The LORD is they keeper: the LORD is thy shade upon thy right hand. The sun shall not smite thee by day, nor the moon by night. The Lord shall preserve thee from all evil: he shall preserve thy soul. The LORD shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth, and even for evermore. Psalm 121>