Monday, December 31, 2012

Writer's Block

Well, here I am again...with so much to say and no formulation of thought to appropriate it. I watched a movie and it dredged up some old memories of mine. Funny how memories have a way of surfacing at the most inconvenient right before bed. Umm, hello brain activity, I would like to go to sleep now! Oh wait, I can't because you are having a party in my head!

So I made a dinner tonight...and it turned out all wrong. I do not know WHAT I did wrong, but I was very sad. It is one of my favorite meals. Apricot Chicken. A recipe from my Mother-in-Law. All you need is:

Apricot Preserves/Jelly
French Dressing
Lipton Onion Soup Mix

You can roast it or throw it all in the Crock's really soooo simple and for whatever reason tonight it just had no flavor.

So sad.

All I wanted was Apricot Chicken and what I got was just...wrong!

At least that is all I have to complain about today (well, that and the sinus pressure...thank you, Lord, that the antibiotics have kicked in and my ears no longer hurt....that's right, I have had an ear infection...I'm an adult for Pete's sake!)

No pictures of my cooking disaster. I will get better one day. Once it becomes habit. And I will start blogging again more frequently (she said again...does anyone believe her???) But I do have this picture of Leah trying on my pajama pants.

I know it's hard to tell, but that is Stewie on my pj's and a quote "How dare you disobey me!" HAHA I thought it was funny anyway. I'm not a huge fan of Family Guy but I thought the pants were quite fitting!

People can't help but compare themselves to others...and quite honestly, I am often ashamed and my level of thoughtlessness. My mind is filled with day-to-day life and not more important matters (like eternal life!) I was reading my sweet friend's blog and could not help but be humbled by the thoughts she has in her heart...and I can't help but realize how infrequently I think that way.

Maybe I should change my blog to Sordidly Sub-Average! ha! But perhaps where I am really is the average. Maybe I need to stop being just average and be more AMAZINGLY average in the areas of life that really count!

<I know they works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. So then because thou art luekwarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth. Revelation 3:15-16>

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Dear Santa

I know you've been watching me all day today and I just want to take this moment to ask: Can I do anything to make it back on the "Nice" list?

I've been a really big failure today...mixed in with a couple of "Eh, she'll pass" moments.

Things I did well today:

  • Got the bedsheets stripped and replaced, washed said sheets, and am currently waiting on them to finish drying (*listens for dryer*....hmmm...I don't think they are dry enough yet...) Oliver told me, "Thank you for making my bed, Mommy!" (I <3 my kids.)
  • Made some chocolate covered peanuts and haystacks.

Once again, I did not take pictures during the prep...sorry. I will make them again just so I can...but it is super easy...melt things, add things, scoop things out and let them harden, refrigerate...That's why I don't mind making them again!

But that's it (on what I did well today)! I was pretty much yelling/raging/trying not to cry the rest of the day. I got off on the wrong foot...the time I normally get up to go work out (which I couldn't do today since my hunk had to leave for actual work early) my little *grits teeth into a fake smile* "princess" came into the room and woke me up. She did that a couple more times between 5:45am and much for sleeping in! Then, before breakfast, Oliver said his stomach hurt and proceeded to throw up part of breakfast (sorry, no one wants to hear that...) which meant I would be dealing with a sick kiddo today...

Thank you, Anthony...that's exactly what I was feeling: "Seriously?"

Instead of just looking at my kids and rolling with the punches I decided to fight back and wound up with a doozy of a bruise. I injured the part of day I had with my kids by moping and being ridiculous.

I am a firm believer in moderation...extremism is unattractive and sometimes fairly comical (because the extremists are completely ridiculous). Most people do NOT have it all together (even though they like to pretend that they do) definitely not everyday. Today was definitely an extreme day for me...and I feel as unattractive and ridiculous as possible. 

I am thankful that I have a Father who is willing to forgive me when I come to him in sorrow and repentance! I DO want to be a better mother, wife, child of God, etc...but sometimes (okay, most of the times) I end up failing miserably. I am not great at what I do, I am not even good at it...I'm definitely very average...and the way I wear my many hats of life is evident of that!

I'm glad I'm not the only one!
<Turn thee unto me, and have mercy upon me; for I am desolate and afflicted. The troubles of my heart are enlarged: O bring thou me out of my distresses. Look upon mine affliction and my pain; and forgive all my sins. Psalm 25:16-18>

Monday, December 17, 2012


Christmas is getting closer. We still have not purchased any Christmas gifts whatsoever.

I know, that is a complete shock to some of you. But, that is just how we operate. So tomorrow we will embark on our gift-getting journey. We are exceptionally excited about the main gift we are getting for the kids. But it's a surprise! I will have pictures up after Christmas!

This is my hunk-a-hunk-a-burnin'-love's favorite time of the year...however, due to the unseasonably warm weather (which I am LOVING) he has been mumbling about it not feeling quite Christmas-y.

Anthony did his part in helping with reign in the Christmas spirit. Personally, I think he did a fantastic job! He's such a cutie pie!

We have been sick at our house the last couple weeks. Leah had a fever last week, hunk-a-hunk had a fever this week, Oliver had a runny nose, and Leah has an ear infection this week.

I'm trying something new this time with the ear infection...I'll let you know the results later...but I am VERY confident that they delivered what they said!

Poor little puddin'!

But Anthony and I have been quite well...despite teething issues!

Such a cutie.

I would write more, but I'm really in a slump with what to write this is it for today. Just trying to get into my routine again!

And no, I will not be talking about Sandy Hook makes me cry.

<A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth up the bones. Proverbs 17:22>

Thursday, December 13, 2012

And Here We Go Again...

So sorry to be away for so long. I have been home, so there is no excuse...I just got out of the habit! BUT what you don't know is I currently have washer, dryer and laundry baskets EMPTY.


Yes, that's right. I have finally accomplished something. It feels feels really good. Better than eating Christmas cookies, because (unfortunately) there are always follow up feelings of guilt and regret....*sigh.* Tis' the season! It only comes once a year and I am actively fighting my bad habits (obviously I'm on the losing side)!

My other problem is I keep making biscuits...and I finally got them right! The first time my hunk commented on how scone-like they were. He may or may not have had something thrown at him (and by something, I mean a dirty look...this time.) But, sadly, he nailed it right on the biscuit. They were dense and borderline hard. Back to the kneading board - less is more - and they were better...still not amazing, but better.

Then, last night happened. And my biscuits were amazing. Of course, they had to be. I was making them for someone else.They did not all fit into my I might have eaten one or two. mmmm...amazing.

...Food failure seems to be really big for me lately.

THIS was not my was roux gone too much flour and too little butter...I was following directions!

This WAS my fault...the pan was too hot so everything sad.

This was my attempt at a Pinterest recipe...but my family did not like it...they ate it, but they did not like it. Average cook.

But I did try my hand at homemade cream of something soup...

A couple tablespoons butter...

A couple tablespoons flour...

 Make a roux...aka, mix the two items together until it starts browning...

Add half a cup of milk and a half a cup of chicken anything else you want (celery, mushrooms, bits of chicken...whatever)

Ta-Da! Use in place of Cream of X soups for crock pot meals, etc.

Besides bad food, this week has been pleasant and relaxing...

I mean, I've been doing the laundry and (some of) the cleaning, but I've been enjoying just letting Leah play in her room instead of traipsing behind me or wandering the house aimlessly, as she is prone to do...which leads her into heaps and heaps (and heaps) of trouble. Needless to say, my hunk and I have talked about getting a lock for the pantry door...

The latest thing...I had Anthony in the kitchen hanging out while I was getting dinner together and then I turned around and he was gone...I could hear him, but he was just not there anymore...

*ahem* "LEAH! Bring Anthony BACK!"

She thought it would be funny to tote him around everywhere. Her own personal play thing.

She also likes dressing him up in her things.

Like her sunglasses...

...and her cowboy hat...

She's also been dressing up a lot herself lately.

A little creepy there Leah...that looks takes all kinds of confidence. I know it's a little excessive with the pictures, as she is wearing the same thing in each one, but I just love all the different faces she was giving me!

I love my kids...they make me smile...even when I'm pulling my hair out over their antics...Oliver keeps telling me how much he loves me...He told me, "I love you. I really love you. I said it again because I just really love you." *heartbreaker*

 My little pirate.

So that's it for today. Just a wide splash of catch up!

<Lo, children are an heritage of the LORD: and the fruit of the womb is his reward. Psalm 127:3>

Friday, December 7, 2012

Temper Tantrum

So the beginning of last week I was just out of sorts (I think I mentioned this). Beyond grouchy, much to my hunk's dismay and frustration, and just ticked off at nothing in general. Thursday night came around and I decided to change my attitude...and feel like it has been going pretty well this week.

And then last night happened...

I've discovered something...I'm an extremely selfish person. I try not to be, but I am. Like, a little child selfish. I even throw fits....good grief that was embarrassing to admit! I know that I have come miles from where I used to be in regards to my attitude and selfish spirit, but it is still there. Throwing tantrums (yelling and stomping around when frustrated...yeah, not a pretty sight to see an adult do that, is it?)

I NEED to do better. I WANT to do better. But this morning I really really wanted to work out and couldn't because my *grits teeth* hunk had to get up early for work. That's supposed to be MY time. I don't like getting up early, but once I start working out that just dissipates and I'm exuberant!

I tried...we have a treadmill in our garage that I tried running on. That lasted all of 2 minutes...maybe less. Treadmills and I have a very poor relationship...not to mention I didn't know how to turn on the light in the garage, which wouldn't be bad, but I couldn't see how many calories I was burning or how many miles I had run, etc. So I came back in, frustrated, wishing I had just stayed in bed, and just having a general feeling of pissed off-ness.

Ah, Calvin...thank you. I need to print this out, laminate it, and put it out for my hunk just so he has a warning. And not so he can just steer clear of me and ignore me...that just makes me even more pissed off. *sigh*

So then Oliver came in, and I was frustrated because he's been up since 7 (I know this, as I was up since 6...going to go work out...which failed miserably). But he came in and sat next to me, and rubbed my arm, and hugged me, and told me "Aw, I love you." And that makes some of the frustration disappear...but now he's nagging me to watch Netflix...*sigh*.

So I'll leave hoping that I will feel better after a shower and some breakfast...but I'm not counting on it...

Yeah, I'll probably be doing that a lot today.

Of course, he was just blinded by the light of the camera flash...

 <Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves. Philippians 2:3>

Monday, December 3, 2012

Spring Days...

We have been enjoying some amazing weather. Short sleeve weather. It feels like Spring outside, but really it is December 3. The last few days have been absolutely beautiful. My kiddos have gone out to play and I have just enjoyed the time having my (back) doors open.

 The kids were enjoying the outside yesterday.

Running around and playing with the big Tonka trucks.

Oliver was so proud of the fact that he could fit inside his truck!

They also picked me some "flowers" from the yard.

The kids and I are definitely enjoying this weather. My hunk-a-hunk-a-burnin'-love....not so much. For me, I just like this kind of weather regardless of when it's my kind of weather. For my hunk, though, he misses the cold that should accompany Christmas. I would agree, but that cold very rarely brings snow with it...and who wants it to be below freezing without any snow? That's just unnatural!

I am taking advantage of this weather for as long as it decides to stay here!

And, yes, I will be complaining about the cold when it comes back.

The beautiful weather doesn't seem to be affecting the kids Christmas spirit much either! Leah loves those boots.

On another note: I finally got those TWO laundry baskets of clothing put away. Aren't you so proud of me? I pretty much had to...I had THREE loads of laundry in the washed and dried mode that needed to be folded and put I'm doing that a fourth load finishes up in the dryer.

My last two posts I have used the Verse of the Day on my Bible phone app....yet, both times they have corresponded nicely to the blog content, which is what I try to do. This is a great reminder for me...even in my daily chores!

<And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him. Colossians 3:17>

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Lazy Day(s)...

I have a confession to make. I'm lazy. Not always, just sometimes. But when it hits I am just GLUED to the couch. I think the early morning wake ups are just fueling this intense desire within, urging me to just lounge the rest of the day. You gotta blame something, am I right?

Yes. The answer is yes. I am right. It's never MY fault it's always something/someone else.

Okay, not really. My hunk might think I think that way, but I don't. We got Christmas (boxes) out last weekend and my hunk was going to decorate the outside of the house this weekend, but those darned boxes just stayed in the living room the entire week, like they were part of the furniture. It just seemed cluttered. That plus the giant baskets of laundry I have yet to put away (I know..."just do it already, Christa!" I know!)....well, I did what I'm prone to do best...FREAK OUT...and whenever I FREAK OUT I tend to get grouchy (please don't talk to my hunk, as he will no doubt validate this statement) and procrastinate MAJORLY.

You can't stay annoyed with me after that cuteness.

If you CAN, then you might be missing an essential organ. I don't want to judge, but that mushiness just has to do the trick.


And if a baby doesn't do it for you (really?), then here's Bear. A sweet Boxer who loves the kids and plays with their toys. And by play, I mean chews them up.

So, moving right along - I needed to make dinner Thursday night and did not thaw out any meat, so I tried being creative with some items I already had available that would be quick to heat.

This, along with some corn tortillas and sauce = Chicken Enchiladas...

You just throw it all in the pan

Then add some shredded cheese (or not...but I happen to LOVE cheese)

And there's your filling...I happened to add some cheese inside while making the enchiladas as well. 

This could also be taco filling - Add some shredded lettuce and sour cream in a tortilla

Or Casserole components...layer with tortillas top with cheese and crushed tortilla chips

I wrapped them in corn tortillas and made a cheese sauce (fail) to dump over it.

I only took a picture of the butter melting....mmmm...butter.

What is super annoying is that my cheese sauce started out amazing. I nailed the roux, the added milk became creamy and thick...but after I added the cheese it just became grainy. So weird. I make a cheese sauce for Homemade Mac N Cheese and it's done that to me before, but usually I can fix it...this time *annoying buzzer "eehhh" sound* not so much. 

I then remembered the reason why I usually buy 2% milk...seriously, you can't make a good cheese/cream sauce with anything less...and the fattier it is the better. "Why not just add cream or half and half to it?" Well...unfortunately I keep forgetting to buy something like that to be frozen for such a time as this (got that lovely idea off of PINTEREST!). Like I said...*sob* fail.

But I dumped the sauce all over the top of it anyways...I mean, I made it already. Sure it was a little grainy, but the taste was pretty good (you could always buy a sauce - cheese, red, green, whatever) along with some more cheese and popped it in the oven.

That's when I got a phone call from my hunk-a-hunk-a-burnin'-love...he was going to be playing basketball with some other guys at the church. ...Well, I just covered that baby and placed it in the fridge for the next day! YAY, no cooking on Friday night...and Saturday night (might have made a little more than needed.) Leah even ate it - I fed it to her, but she didn't give me the normal "Don't want it."

She found a pair of sunglasses in my room that actually belonged to Anthony, so we found hers so she'd look cuter. The other ones just looked kind of silly.

But then again, his cuteness can over come ANY obstacle.

Sorry to stay away for so long. 

I just want to say something. If you are reading this and keep wondering where I'm going with this blog, please don't over strain your thinking muscles. It is quite simple, really. I just want an outlet. We are all unique and different in everything we do. No one person is better and there is no "right way" (welll....most of the time.) 

My basis for this blog: We are all just living our lives day-to-day. There are obstacles we face (laundry *guilt*) and there are small accomplishments we make...well, maybe not this week. I'm not super funny (that would be another fellow blogger and friend Jena), I'm not super creative...okay, I'm just not all (that would be my sister-in-law), and I'm not a great cook (have you seen my blog?)...

I'm just average. I'm just like you...well...give or take. Okay, mostly just take, but I can only do what we all do: try. 

And hopefully improve, especially in the one area that is most important. That is why I always end with a verse.

<And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us: And if we know that he hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him. 1 John 5:14-15>