Saturday, November 10, 2012


As most of you are well aware, we are but a week and a few days away from of my all-time favorite times of year and my favorite holiday...yes, even more than Christmas. I have many wonderful memories of going to Texas (and Tennessee) to see my maternal grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins. many memories. The awkward plays performed for our deceptively delighted parents. The late night talking and watching rented VHS videos. The moms abandoning us to the dads...leaving us to our devious, adolescent ways! SO much fun!

This year my hunk-a-hunk-a-burnin'-love's family will be spending Thanksgiving with us. I am extremely excited about this (no really...I'm not just covering my tracks in case they read my blog...I really, really mean it!) I love having family in town.

Today we went to our local Club Warehouse and Walmart stores to prepare for the wonderful time we will have with them (eating good food!!!)

My wonderfully stocked pantry...once upon a time this was completely empty...but that's a story for another time. I am extremely grateful that God has blessed us with plenty; I worry more about food going bad then I do about food to feed my family.

One day I hope my pantry will look more like this:

So beautiful and organized. I seriously am in love...I hope to have a future pantry that I can create into this Taj Mahal of organization...<3 Then the tedious part of grocery shopping (putting the groceries away) would actually be a LOT of fun!

My hunk loves going to Walmart...but just to walk around. When we have to shop for food it seems like everyone gets a little testy. The kids won't stop pestering each other, the parents won't stop and just let the kids pester each can get brutal.

BUT when we walk around aimlessly, with no specific needs, we have a lot of fun. I know, I know. It's just Walmart. But honestly, it is a fun little habit that we have developed as a family. Last night my hunk found it rather hilarious how he could shock me....over and over and over. I took revenge on his tender post-workout arms. *evil smile*

Well, I want to leave you with a happy smile tonight, so let me broadcast this little bit of cuteness out there for your viewing pleasure.

Now who wouldn't smile at that sweet little face???

<Being enriched in every thing to all bountifulness, which causeth through us thanksgiving to God. 2 Corinthians 9:11>

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