Friday, November 16, 2012


Today was TOTS. What is TOTS? Well, only the best thing ever!

Okay, really it is 3 1/2 hours of time off from your kiddos while you spend time eating, talking, crafting, and learning with other moms of tots (children 5 and under.) My church hosts this amazing fellowship, and it is just such a joy to be part of.

Today's craft was a Part 2 of another craft we did last week. We etched on a glass oil dispenser. The pastor's wife also showed us how to make some AMAZING biscuits and wheat breat...I didn't think to take pictures of her demonstration, though, so all you get is the craft...and again, this is the ONLY time that I ever really craft...but since I especially loved this craft, I might get the etching cream..


First, gather up your supplies: A (inexpensive) Walmart oil dispenser, contact paper with your design cut out, Etching....whatever...cream?, and a sponge brush.

Here is a better picture of the etching cream (and part of poorly manicured finger...I have kids, I don't do my nails.......okay, really I just don't do my nails.)

You place your contact paper onto the surface and make sure all the edges around your design are really smoothed out so that the etching cream doesn't go where you don't want it to.

You take the sponge brush...

...and apply the cream inside your design...

...making sure that you have a pretty thick layer...

...see how thick this is? And make sure it is evenly layered, or else some spots will look less...."etchy"(?) than the rest.

Wait five minutes, then take a paper towel...

...and wipe away the excess cream...

...then rinse the remaining cream off in your sink.

Then remove your contact paper and TA-DA! Oil...

...and Soap (from last TOTS).

LOVE it!!!! So now I respectable soap dispenser that sits out by my sink instead of the awkwardly large jug (yes, jug...I shop at Sam's Club) on the counter (when I forget to put it away).

I also LOVED the wonderful speaker we had today and her encouraging hunk-a-hunk-a-burnin'-love is my CALLING. He has been entrusted to me...and my amazingly average self! By going to TOTS I am learning how to be a better person/wife/mother....Well, maybe more like realizing I'm d) none of the above.
Speaking of things I LOVE, here are some pictures of those troublesome cuties who tug at my heartstrings...and my arms.

Leah wanted to hold Anthony...

 Anthony: " Are you gonna help me out here?"

Anthony: "I'm not so sure about you...."

Thems some cute snuggle bunnies! Well, I hope you like the crafty efforts of others for the craft-impaired (like me!) Without TOTS I would never attempt such wonderful creations (that I typically unburden on the willing...I'm all about giving things away.) 

Laundry update: I got the rest of the laundry folded....

Just one of the many ways I am trying to do better so I can truly show love to my husband.

Tomorrow I plan to put it away...and start another load.

<That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that teh word of God be not blasphemed. Titus 2:4-5>

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